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Home | Blog | B2B Lead Generation Trends For SMEs

B2B Lead Generation Trends For SMEs

By Yelyna

Updated on May 30, 2024

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Telemarketing Philippines is keeping up with the trends

With the number of people using the internet to find their desired products and services, it’s important to be aware of your digital marketing tactics.

Part of this is keeping up with digital marketing trends of b2b lead generation companies in the Philippines and including them in your marketing efforts. Or, at least, learning from the mistakes of your peers.

In doing so, you’ll align yourself and your business for success and will even create new ways of generating leads along the way.


Telemarketing call center Philippines trends to watch out for

We have made it halfway through 2021. This is the time to plan what will set you up for success in 2022 and beyond.

So how exactly can you attract quality leads for your business in 2022?

Let’s take a look at 11 telesales company Philippines trends that you can consider hopping on.

1. B2B Personalization

With how competitive the digital marketing sphere is, it’s imperative to add personalization to your strategy. Marketing personalization is a great tool for building your brand and closing sales.

This is achieved through the use of digital data collection:

  • Social media use
  • Blog activity
  • Searches
  • General website usage

These allow you to analyze your prospect’s preferences and other vital details.

To personalize your marketing, you need to know your audience’s interests and pain points.

By taking what you learn through digital data collection, you can personalize the content you produce for certain audiences in different stages of the buyer’s journey.

2. Video Marketing

Using videos in your marketing is a great way to capture your audience’s attention. The best part is that videos are versatile.
They can be used in:

  • Email marketing
  • Content marketing
  • Social media marketing

Video marketing has been one of the biggest online marketing trends.

84% of people now say they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video.

Similar to content marketing. You can use video to appeal to your prospects.

Here are some ideas from Magellan Solutions that you may consider:

  • Showcase your brand and what makes it special through a brand awareness video. But don’t just do a boring corporate video. Be creative – this could be in the form of a product demo, client testimonial, or even an origins story.
  • Repurpose your existing content into videos and upload them onto YouTube.
  • Make a behind-the-scenes video giving a sneak peek into the backstage operations of your business. This kind of exclusive content makes customers feel included in your brand while also raising interest in your product.
  • If you don’t have enough resources to make your videos, you can also work withmedia outlets. They can help with both the talent and network to elevate your brand.

3. Content Marketing

Content is one of the most effective, budget-friendly methods to increase your web traffic and convert more leads.

There are many free and paid platforms out there that assist with keyword research and long-term strategizing. Because of those, even small businesses can compete with the “big fish” out in the ocean.

Content marketing is all about creating and posting valuable, relevant, and consistent content that’s geared toward a specific audience. It’s a great way to both be discovered and improve the return rate of previous readers.

That said, Magellan Solutions offer our content strategy to attract the right leads.


  • Develop a detailed profile of your ideal buyer persona -What type of buyer is this persona? What are they most interested in learning? What questions do they have?



  • Relevance is key – Do keyword research and study tech publications or competitors in your niche to see what content is hot and delivering results.



  • Deliver value without hard-selling – When crafting each article, video, infographic, or newsletter, always focus on how you can help your target audience instead of touting your product.



  • Build backlinks – This is one of the most important steps in making sure that your content gets seen and prioritized by search engines. Each backlink indicates a vote of confidence from one site to another, so start partnering with relevant sites or try guest posting.


4. Customer Experience

Today’s consumers expect easy access to the information they need online. There’s no room for you to create any extra hurdles your prospects have to go through to get what they want.

Provide your visitors with a great customer experience, or another company will. WhThiss why, we suggest you utilize chatbots. This is to help not only you but also the customers as they will immediately get feedback from your company.

The use of chatbots has become increasingly popular. It helps give your website a 24/7 helpline that provides visitors with a human-like experience.

Understanding the importance of both human and robot interaction, Magellan Solutions guarantee that both are balanced in processing a sale or query.

5. Account Based Marketing (ABM)

ABM is a strategic approach to business marketing. Furthermore, it is based on account awareness in which an organization considers and communicates with individual prospects or customer accounts as markets of one.

It’s the key to adding extreme personalization. It further allows you to target demographics within your target audience.

ABM allows sales and marketing teams to work together to identify what the “best-fitting” accounts are for certain marketing efforts. Identifying these accounts becomes easier when you rely on digital data collection.

This allows you to segment your contacts and market accordingly.

6. Chatbots

I’m sure you already know the power of chatbots, especially in dealing with FAQs. But have you considered using it as part of your lead generation strategy?

This is a game-changer for telemarketing services in the Philippines.

According to the Harvard Business Review, companies risk losing leads forever if they don’t respond to them in five minutes or less. Despite that, 86% of all companies weren’t using chat or messaging tools to assist them in hitting that coveted five-minute mark.

Chatbots not only help to deliver personalized responses to your customers in real-time and capture leads more easily. It also automates part of the sales conversation process, saving you and your sales team tons of time.

Here’s what Magellan Solutions suggests:

  • Draft out the customer’s journey and pinpoint which parts to automate or improve on. Is your chatbot answering commonly asked questions, qualifying leads, or even getting their attention in the first place?
  • Consider creating a bot on Facebook Messenger as a trial run. If it works, you can consider enlisting a chatbot provider to implement and scale one for your platform.

However, chatbots should not be used for the sake of it. They can improve conversion rates only if you build one that intentionally removes the key barriers.

7. Omnichannel marketing strategy

According to Magellan Solutions’ recent survey, businesses that take up omnichannel strategies achieve 91% greater customer retention rates than those that don’t.

In 2021, omnichannel marketing is not just a B2B marketing tactic. It also facilitates brand-customer interactions across different devices.

The more clients you have on board, the better your ROI, and the earlier you can outpace the competition.

Now, don’t confuse omnichannel marketing with multi-channel marketing. The former connects consumers on different channels. The latter makes all channels available to a customer but not necessarily in an integrated manner.

8. Concept of Retention Marketing

Listening to your new customers is good but worshiping your loyal customers is better. That’s the concept of retention marketing.

According to Harvard Business Review, a 5% increase in customer retention translates to a 25% to 95% increase in profits.

In 2022, the concept of retention marketing requires a set of activities that maintains and facilitates customer relationships. This results in continued sales, lower cost per sale, and keeping a steady ROI funnel.

After all, the better your retention marketing strategies, the more your sales grow.

9. Voice Search

While voice search launched as a grocery store list aggregator and note-takers, customers are now using it to play their favorite songs, ask questions, and get directions.

That said, voice search is in demand by the modern audience, especially in the B2B world, and as per research, over one billion searches globally are made by voice.
Magellan Solutions believes that voice search is expected to reach 5 billion before 2021 ends and 6.4 billion in the year 2022.

Optimizing search results done by voice is as essential as with text.

Voice searches tend to be sentence-based, which is why outbound telemarketing services in the Philippines should make long-tail keywords a part of their search engine optimization strategy.

This will result in the website gaining greater visibility and reaching a larger group of customers, especially the ones that conduct such searches.

10. Predictive Analysis in Telemarketing Philippines outbound

The predictive analysis involves predicting future outcomes. This is done so by utilizing historical data and analysis techniques.

Modern technologies such as statistical modeling and machine learning allow B2B marketing companies to:

  • Gain deeper insights into their previous campaigns
  • Forecast customer trends
  • Examine behavioral aspects
  • Adjust future marketing strategies based on derived inferences.

2021 saw how predictive analysis helps B2B companies attract, retain, and nurture new and existing customers. It can also:

  • Optimize marketing campaigns
  • Generate more leads
  • Drive more conversions
  • Present cross-selling opportunities.

11. Investing in Paid Marketing

Paid marketing is about putting you in the spotlight, getting all the attention you need, and sprucing up the leads generated. Search ads receive twice as many clicks as organic listings.

Magellan Solutions can help you combine paid and organic strategies and elevate brand awareness levels, improve Search Engine Result Page visibility and garner high traffic.

According to our current research, 54% of companies are leveraging paid ads along with content marketing to ace their B2B skills.


What won’t change lead generation Philippinesin 2022

We can’t deny that there is a surge in AI-backed lead generation tools.

Some of the next-gen conversational marketing tools are quite good. And they can even be better than the more spammy copy-pasted generic pitches we’re bombarded with.

Two megatrends turned AIs into something that is suddenly a preferred choice.

First, the mass adoption of smartphones, social media, and consumer-friendly apps changed.

It dramatically heightened customers’ expectations. No longer would they tolerate endless hold times, obtuse service agents, or handoffs.

Second, the explosive growth of widely available cloud services and machine-learning tools.

It puts powerful new AI capabilities in the hands of telemarketing services in the Philippines to improve customer service in all forms.

The advances in CRMs especially are essential. This doesn’t automate your outreach. But it certainly allows you to be more precise and measured about what’s working and what isn’t. And it helps you hone your cadence of communication.


Magellan Solutions is the best call center outsourcing Philippines

Now that you’re caught up on B2B marketing trends for 2020, you can adjust your strategy moving forward.

Never forget that all of your marketing efforts should cater to your target audience, and should revolve around their questions, concerns, pain points, and so on.

To learn more about running a successful Philippines outbound call center, fill in the form below!


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        B2B Lead Generation Trends For SMEs


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