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Home | Blog | What Is The Role of Content Moderation?

What Is The Role of Content Moderation?

By Yelyna

Updated on May 31, 2024

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Protect Your Brand With Content Moderation

Though people are distancing themselves physically, they’re staying close virtually. This is where content moderation comes in.

Content moderation outsourcing refers to analyzing user-generated submissions, such as reviews, videos, social media posts, comments, or forum discussions. Content moderators then decide whether a particular submission can be used on that platform.

In other words, when a user submits content to a website, it goes through a screening process to ensure it adheres to the website’s regulations.

Therefore, Unacceptable content is removed based on its inappropriateness, legal status, or potential to offend.

Does the business process outsourcing industry in the Philippines experience any limitations to content moderation?

Automated tools curate, organize, filter, and classify the information we see online. They are, therefore,pivotal in shaping not only the content we engage with but also the experience each user has on a given platform.

Although these tools can be deployed across various categories, you may still encounter several limitations.

Accuracy and Reliability

Content such as extremist content and hate speech has nuanced variations related to different groups and regions. The context of this content can be critical in understanding whether or not it should be removed.

Developing comprehensive datasets for these content categories is challenging. Developing and operating a tool that can be reliably applied across different groups, regions, and sub-types of speech is also extremely difficult.

Although smaller platforms may rely on off-the-shelf automated tools, the reliability of these tools to identify content across a range of platforms is limited.

In comparison, proprietary tools developed by Magellan Solutions are often comparatively more accurate, as our employees are trained on datasets reflective of the types of content and speech they are meant to evaluate.

Contextual Understanding of Human Speech

In theory, automated content moderation tools should be easy to create and implement.

But human speech is not objective. Moreso, the process of content moderation is inherently subjective, these tools are limited in that they are unable to comprehend the nuances and contextual variations present in human speech.

In addition, automated tools are also limited in their ability to derive contextual insights from content. However, it is unlikely to be able to determine whether the post depicts pornography or perhaps breastfeeding, which is permitted on many platforms.

Automated content moderation tools also tend to become outdated rapidly. This demonstrates the need to continuously update algorithmic tools and the need for decision-making processes to incorporate context in judging whether posts with such hashtags are objectionable or not.

These tools further need to be updated as language and meaning evolve. To keep up, automated tools must adapt quickly and be trained across a wide range of domains. However, users could continue developing new forms of speech in response, thus limiting the ability of these tools to act with significant speed and scale.

AI researchers have been unable to construct comprehensive enough datasets that can account for the vast fluidity and variances in human language and expression.

As a result, these automated tools cannot be reliably deployed across different cultures and contexts, as they cannot effectively account for the various political, cultural, economic, social, and power dynamics that shape how individuals express themselves and engage with one another.

Creator and Dataset Bias

One of the key concerns around algorithmic decision-making across various industries is the presence of bias in automated tools. Decisions based on automated tools, including in the content moderation space, run the risk of further marginalizing and censoring groups that already face disproportionate prejudice and discrimination online and offline.

As outlined in a report by the Center for Democracy & Technology, many types of biases can be amplified through these tools. Tools that are less accurate when parsing non-English text can, therefore, result in harmful outcomes for non-English speakers, mainly when applied to languages that are not very prominent on the internet.

This is highly concerning given that many of the users of major internet platforms reside outside English-speaking countries.

Personal and cultural biases of researchers are also likely to find their way into training datasets. This bias can be mitigated to some extent by testing for intercoder reliability, but it is unlikely to combat the majority view on what falls into a particular category.

Transparency and Accountability

One of the primary concerns around deploying automated solutions in the content moderation space is the fundamental lack of transparency around algorithmic decision-making.

Algorithms are often referred to as “black boxes” because little insight is provided into how they are coded, what datasets they are trained on, how they identify correlations and make decisions, and how reliable and accurate they are. Indeed, with black-box machine learning systems, researchers cannot determine how the algorithm makes the correlations it identifies.

Although many companies have been pushed to provide more transparency around their proprietary automated tools, they have refrained from doing so. Companies claimed that the tools are protected as trade secrets to maintain their competitive edge in the market.

Furthermore, some researchers have suggested that transparency does not necessarily generate accountability in this regard. In this case, openness to these practices can generate accountability for how these platforms manage user expression.

Lastly, unlike humans, algorithms lack “critical reflection.”As a result, other ways companies can provide transparency that generates accountability are also being explored.

BPO companies in the Philippines countering the limitations

While artificial intelligence (AI) has come a long way over the years, and companies continuously work on their AI algorithms, the truth is that human moderators are still essential for managing your brand online and ensuring your content is up to snuff.

Humans are still the best at reading, understanding, interpreting, and moderating content. Because of this, great businesses will use both AI and humans when creating an online presence and moderating content online.

Below, Magellan Solutions tells you why content moderation from BPO companies in Metro Manila is still needed in the age of AI and technology:

Humans Can Read Between the Lines

One of the most critical reasons human moderators are necessary is because they’re more skilled at reading between the lines. Hidden meanings will sometimes be lost on an AI when, in many cases, a human can grasp the meaning instantly.

For example, one of our financial service customers decided to leave a post stating, ‘It would be suicidal to invest in …. ‘An AI would have picked up the word ‘suicidal’ and deleted it right away. On the other hand, a human can understand the figure of speech and keep the comment up.

If you need social media moderation, it will pay to have a human moderator who can easily understand the true meaning of a customer complaint and dig through the hidden layers to determine the best course of action.

AI can quickly grasp basic definitions or ideas. However, humans are usually much better at reading between the lines to understand underlying issues and concerns.

Context and Intent Matters

Similar to the above statement, humans are more skilled at moderation because they can fully grasp the concepts of context and intent.

In the English language, words can take on different meanings depending on how they are used in a sentence and the overall meaning of a passage. In some cases, images can also take on different meanings depending on how they are used. AI can detect an image but cannot determine how it is being used.

For example, one of our customers provides fitness, nutrition, and weight loss programs. Their customers post pictures of their weight loss results daily, but some people go as far as posting partially or fully nude pictures. For an AI, drawing a line between acceptable and unacceptable would be hard.

A human can recognize the nuances in an image and make the right decision about whether or not the photo is appropriate. AI can do a great job of flagging inappropriate content and filtering spam and usually does it without a hitch.

However, it won’t always grasp the full intent and context of a social media post or a customer comment. Fortunately, humans can understand a word’s definition, how and why it is being used at the moment, and in which context.

Humans Can Have Authentic Conversations

You must have human moderators to create authentic conversations with your audience online.

While AIs are being taught to be more conversational, they’re not fooling anyone yet. Chatbots, for example, can help interact with customers and provide straightforward information. Yet, they lack the humanity needed to connect with customers in an engaging and personalized conversation.

Human moderation, on the other hand, is ideal for interacting with customers.

Human moderators can quickly respond to comments and messages to create a back-and-forth conversation. This conversation will be authentic and help build a customer’s relationship with your brand.

Your Brand Reputation Is Important

Brand reputation management is critical in this day and age.

Like it or not, some customers will vent their frustration online if they have had a bad experience with your products or services. A canned response from an AI is the last thing an upset customer wants.

Human moderators are the best at resolving issues and handling customer feedback when creating an online conversation.

Human moderators have the intelligence and know-how to resolve complaints strategically. By taking the right approach, they can even turn a negative customer experience into a positive one.

Relying on human moderation will help build your brand online and ensure that customer complaints are handled in the best possible way.

Humans Are Better At Answering Questions

In addition to managing your brand reputation, human moderators can also help provide essential customer support and resolve issues.

For example, our customers in the financial industry often receive questions from their customers about their accounts. A human must log into the systems to provide the requested service.

While AI tools can also help support customers online, they are limited to the knowledge and answers that have been programmed into them.

For example, we’ve probably all used automated systems to determine our account balance. However, when a question is more specific or unusual, an AI may not have the answers requested.

Humans can think creatively. They can go more in-depth when resolving issues related to your business or products. They’ll be able to provide real-time customer service and support.

Every customer’s problem or concern will be different. Humans are still the best at choosing a personalized approach based on a customer’s specific needs.

Branding Needs to Be Consistent

Another area in which humans tend to do a bit better is when it comes to aligning content and moderation with your brand vision.

As a serious company, you should always aim to create a cohesive brand image and use a similar voice when posting content online.

While AI can provide essential moderation for your business and can interact in a predefined way, it isn’t as skilled at keeping your entire brand vision in focus during communications with customers.

A human moderator will be superior at keeping your brand in mind when interacting with customers on social media. Human moderators will perform their work while ensuring that every move they make aligns with your brand values and voice.

Humans Can Gain Better Business Insights

Another benefit of human moderation is that human moderators can better understand your customers’ thinking. They can pay attention to any significant trends that appear.

Human moderators understand the importance of social listening and can skillfully ask customers questions to obtain their opinions on products and services.

By engaging customers, reading between the lines, and taking suggestions seriously, human moderators can help propel your business forward. The insights they learn can be used to positively improve your business and guide future marketing tactics and strategies.

AI excels at digesting large amounts of information and gaining a basic understanding of it. However, it won’t be able to gain the same insights as a human who understands both the big picture and the minutiae.

We find product testimonials for one of our clients in their social media channels and other online posts. This client uses these testimonials to inspire their employees and other customers. We also find negative posts that provide valuable product feedback that this client uses to change their products and services.

Government involvement in content moderation: Is it problematic for tech BPO companies in the Philippines?

Fake news is a real and serious danger that lurks online. Tons of false information and harmful content are published on social media and similar platforms, and then they are shared fast and widely, uncontrollably, throughout the web.

It doesn’t help that people who get paid to write fake news articles make them look legitimate, so it’s hard to identify what’s real and what’s not.

Online platforms don’t seem to prioritize managing spammy content, either, but you can always step up to protect your brand’s online reputation through content moderation.

American history and political culture prioritize the private in governing speech online, particularly on social media. The arguments for a greater scope of government power do not stand up. Granting such power would gravely threaten free speech and the independence of the private sector.

We have seen that tech companies grapple with many of the problems cited by those calling for public action. The companies are technically sophisticated and thus far more capable of dealing with these issues.

Of course, the companies’ efforts may warrant scrutiny and criticism now and in the future. But at the moment, a reasonable person can see promise in their efforts, particularly in contrast to the likely dangers posed by government regulation.

Government officials may attempt directly or obliquely to compel tech companies to suppress disfavored speech. The victims of such public-private censorship would have little recourse apart from political struggle.

Tech companies would then be drawn into the swamp of polarized and polarizing politics. To avoid politicizing tech, private content moderators must be able to ignore explicit or implicit threats to their independence from government officials.

These tech firms need to nurture their legitimacy to moderate content. The companies may have to fend off government officials eager to suppress speech in the name of the “public good.” The leaders of these businesses may regret being called to meet this challenge with all its political and social dangers and complexities.

But this task cannot be avoided. No one else can or should do the job.

Magellan Solutions is the best content moderation outsourcing company in the Philippines

Magellan Solutions is aware of how sensitive the politics are in the economy. There is always some fear that the average citizen fears their freedom to speak will be used to hold them guilty if anything arises out of misunderstood social media posts and mere human rantings.

Rest assured that leading social media firms are doing their part. They’re aggressively imposing stricter rules and guidelines about what users can post, swiftly deleting inaccurate or purposely misleading material that moderators find, and promoting content from health officials and other trusted authorities.

We are making this a top priority for good reason. By ensuring that the highest standards protect users’ online experiences during unsettling times, they’re securing customer loyalty today and for the long term.

Contact us today for a free trial of our content moderation services. If you find us helpful, simply fill in the form below, and we’ll set you up with your team of moderators.



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      What Is The Role of Content Moderation?


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