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Home | Blog | Live Chat Outsourcing Pros and Cons

Live Chat Outsourcing Pros and Cons

By M. Edosma

Updated on June 3, 2024

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Live chat outsourcing, like many other services, has its pros and cons.

Live chat outsourcing remains one of the most popular service channels to date because businesses like how cheap and efficient it is. However, to ensure success, it is crucial to consider the resources used.

Amidst the crisis the economy is facing, companies are looking for cost-effective solutions. With the current volatile economy, outsourcing live chat has increased in the following.

Usually, businesses who are unaware of live chat outsourcing utilize their resources to exhaustion. That means the sales team is the one that communicates with the client about their concerns. That is on top of what they need to do. That is both time-consuming and inefficient.

Some say that live chat sometimes makes the client feel unappreciated. It’s convenient and fast but not as efficient as a phone call.

Although these all have a sliver of facts, written below are the different advantages and disadvantages of having live chat customer service.


Live Chat Support Outsourcing

Now, let’s examine the live chat outsourcing pros and cons in detail.


1. Cost Benefits

Estimates suggest that a company can save between 30-50% by outsourcing live chat.


2. More attention to core activities

Customer service is vital to success. However, businesses need to give more importance to focus on crucial areas such as production, distribution, marketing, and sales. By getting a website live chat services, you are allowing your core departments to focus on their job. And not to worry about the complaints and feedback.


3. Ease of expansion

With the rising cost of rent and utility bills, expanding your business can get a little tricky. However, outsourcing live chat can help you stretch your infrastructure and customer support without incurring huge costs.


4. Reduced risk

If you outsource live chat services to a third party, you let them share the risk. It gives your company some assurance, which means the impact of risks is limited in case of problems.


5. Expert advice

Companies that offer outsourcing services have trained and qualified live chat support teams. You can make sure that customer and branding are the priority, and it will help you save the cost of training chat operators.



1. Less Control

Since outsourcing means the live chat operators will be far away from you, that means less control. However, with today’s technology, you can immediately resolve this problem.


2. Confidentiality

Companies that deal with sensitive information might incur a higher risk of an information breach. However, if your BPO partner is ISO-certified, you can guarantee that they will abide by the law and rules about confidentiality. And they have an advanced methodology for preventing breaches.


3. Jobs disappear:

Companies that outsource their live chat may need to eliminate the positions of existing contact center staff. Yes, you may be able to save on labor costs. But it will jeopardize the jobs of some long-term employees. 


Looking for a Website Chat Outsourcing?

Magellan Solutions is a BPO company based in the Philippines. With over 15 years of industry experience, we offer high-quality call center services to all industries. We guarantee the quality of service, and our company is certified by ISO and HIPAA.

At Magellan Solutions, we train our agents to become customer service experts. We make sure that they have the necessary tools, equipment, and knowledge to efficiently serve customers. We want to extend our services even to small and medium enterprises, so we keep our rates highly flexible and competitive.

Get in touch with us, and we shall discuss how our company can help your business. Fill out the contact form below and get your 60-minute free business consultation with us today!

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      Live Chat Outsourcing Pros and Cons

      M. Edosma

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